Hi, I'm Karen! I...

My Experience

Rest is temporary, code is forever.


  • html(5)
  • css(3)
  • Javascript
  • React
  • Material-UI
  • Api
  • Webpack


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Express
  • SQL
  • Sequelize
  • Restful Web Services
  • Ruby


  • AWS
  • Github


Here are few of my former projects.

Space Exploration Web Application


In this project I used HTML, CSS, Javascript and Three.js to create my take on Nasa's Solar Planet Overview Model.

  • Used Three.js (a Javascript library for creating, animating and displaying 3D graphics).
  • Three.js Features I displayed include, 3D object creation, Perspective Camera position and rotation, graphic animation as well as Three.js Orbital controls!

Visit Website Github

Haunted Hopper

Web | Game

In this project, my team and I built a game from scratch using Phaser3 and a RexUI extension.

  • This 2D Pixel RPG horror game was developed within weeks for our Capstone project. As a player, you play as Sophie, a MineCon enthusiast who is thrilled to bring her friends for the first to enjoy the convention with her. During the convention, Sophie is separated from her friends, as a building lockdown emerged. Sophie is challenged to a puzzling quest with her friends' life at stake, hoping to rescue them and return home.

Visit Website Github

Ecommerce Store


In this project, my team and I created our fun take on a Ecommerce Store using React, Redux for the Front-end and Express, Sequelize for the Back-end, and Stripe API to handle purchases.

Visit Website Github

Spicing Up Virtual Learning With Augmented Reality


In this project I used HTML, CSS, Javascript and Ar.js. Ar.js is a JavaScript library for incorporating Augmented Reality on the Web to develop an application that serves its purpose to ‘spice up’ virtual learning.

  • Used the features Ar.js included, such as; Image Tracking, Location based AR and Marker tracking. Through this library I focused on the Marker tracking feature.
  • Used Javascript, HTML and CSS. I made hand made markers for an old children’s book, with this I created a more virtually interactive learning experience for kids!
Demo Github